The run today was great. My calves don't hurt at all. It was a damn cold one, though. Christine drove by and probably thought I had lost my mind! I synched my Nike+ chip. Since I got the wonderful device, I've run 186 miles and burned 18,151 calories. Sounds like a good reason to indulge in a chocolate martini tonight!
Monday, February 8, 2010
A cold one...
I went out for a 2 mile run this morning. After nursing this calve thing that's been bothering me for 3+ weeks, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and get back at it. I researched my pain online and found it's due to poor arch support and a weak muscle that stretches from the calf to the arch. I'm not doing a great job explaining this...if you are really curious (which I suspect you're not), go to and search painful inner calves after running. Anyway, I've been doing some stretches, took some time off, having Mike rub them (bliss!) and borrowing his Strassburg sock (additional arch stretching).
The run today was great. My calves don't hurt at all. It was a damn cold one, though. Christine drove by and probably thought I had lost my mind! I synched my Nike+ chip. Since I got the wonderful device, I've run 186 miles and burned 18,151 calories. Sounds like a good reason to indulge in a chocolate martini tonight!
The run today was great. My calves don't hurt at all. It was a damn cold one, though. Christine drove by and probably thought I had lost my mind! I synched my Nike+ chip. Since I got the wonderful device, I've run 186 miles and burned 18,151 calories. Sounds like a good reason to indulge in a chocolate martini tonight!
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Holy Moly Mama! I have that darn Nike chip...I think I will start using it!!
LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME!!! Did you hear me scream at you?? 'Run, Run Run!!!" God bless ya.... :o)
Honestly, I didn't hear you...I was rocking out to U2's "It's a beautiful Day" when you drove by. Ironic, eh??
Can you believe I typed "rocking out"...that is surely ARL's influence!
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