Thursday, March 4, 2010

Not so slow, Chickie!

Alright...this Nike+ chip is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y!  I was a little disappointed after the last run where I was tracking an 11 minute mile.  Today I ran again.  This time it told me I did 3.4 miles.  I drove it with my car after the run and it was 3.7 miles.  I guess I shouldn't care so much about my times...but it would be nice to know exactly how I'm doing.

So our little microwave repair (part covered under warranty) cost us $221.  I called to complain.  The guy was here one hour and the part was covered.  $221 seems extreme for one hour of labor...for another $100 I could have bought a whole new microwave.  Last GE appliance I buy ever.   EVER!

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