The course was great. It had a slight uphill in the beginning which is actually a good place for it. And, remember my motto....that which goes up, must come down. This one came down right before the finish line!
It was definitely a hard race given the heat. Thank god for the kind folks of North Wales who sprayed us with their garden hoses and passed out water. There were several "townies" passing out bottles of water on their own (in addition to the race course water stations).
The result....29:35! Yup...I finally did it. That's a 9:33 pace which is great for me. I finished 268/777 for the women. Coincidentally, my bib # was 777... must have been my good luck charm. Mike also set a PR and broke 30 for the first time. He came in at 28:31. Lisa set a PR as well at 27:11.
I'll post pictures soon. Tom (Lisa's husband) was our official photographer and chauffeur. Thanks, Tom!
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