On Thursday, I started feeling tired and run down. My throat hurt. It hurt to talk and swallow and I was miserable. I cannot (and I repeat cannot) be sick this weekend. We have some incredible plans (which I will fill you all in later on).
So, I took the day off yesterday. I got up with my daughter and helped her with her hair (she was dressing up for the PA living history museum at school). After the kids left, I went back to bed. HUH? Sleeping at 8:30 am? What? I slept till about 10am. After that, I puttered around and did some work (of course...I can't totally take the day off). I faithfully took my Tylenol every four hours and sucked down numerous cough drops. Around 2:30, something strange happened. I fell asleep AGAIN. I woke up just before 4.
I woke up this morning with a mildly sore throat, but definitely better. I cannot be sick for tonight and tomorrow. I will keep repeating this to myself all day and will myself back to health.
I am bummed that I missed my 5 miler on Thursday and am missing my 12 miler today. This will be a crappy week in the running log. Thankfully, I am far enough out from the marathon and have a strong base built up that I will allow myself to skip these runs. Now, I just need to stop stressing about my low mileage week.
Your plans sound intriguing. Hope you feel better.
I hope you feel better soon my friend! You did the right thing taking the dayto take care of yourself. I did not get your e-mail. Where did you send it and when? You are so kind to think of my Dad. I miss him so much, as you already know. Let me know when you sent it so I can look back, but I did not see it. Thank you for your kind thought and the candle. Try e-mailing again at mamaslittlechick@hotmail.com
Have a great night!
Mama Hen
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