After a shower and quick run to Staples (did you all see the back to school sale already?), I had a lovely warm beet, peach and goat cheese salad and promptly parked my behind on the couch. I fell asleep and sadly missed the end of the soccer game. Way to go, Ladies! They so deserved to win! I so deserved my nap!
Hi Andrea, I wrote a comment a few days ago. Please let me know what you would like me to say or add to the post about your beautiful candle. Do you have a link or something so we can promote them. I would also like to put some link on my blog sidebar so people can order them. Let me know and I will do the post. Have a great day!
Mama Hen
Hi Mama Hen-
I'm glad you like the candle. The link is We are also on FB (search eternal memory candle).
Thanks for doing a product review for us!
Hey Andrea, I just wanted to let you know that I did the post today. The candles are absolultely beautiful and a wonderful way to remember our loved ones. Thank you for sharing it with me. Let me know if you have a logo for my sidebar. have a great day my friend!
Mama Hen
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