Monday, April 15, 2013

A new PR: 47:32.38 for 5 miles

Yesterday, I ran the Hatfield 5 and Dime race.  I've run this race for the last 2 years (although doing the 10 mile distance previously).  I've scaled back my milelage this year and have only been doing short runs (i.e. less than 6 miles) since the Disney Half. 

The Hatfield Hat Trick series is one of my favorites...flat, great amenities, and local!  The course is a short 15 minute drive, has ample parking, indoor restrooms, good food, and a great DJ.

I wasn't expecting much in terms of my performance yesterday.  I had been struggling lately to even high 10:30s on my 3 mile runs.  A few of the runs were in the 11 minute per mile pace and one even crossed the 12 minute per mile pace.  I seriously contemplated giving up running after that debacle of a run.

Yesterday's weather was perfect...50s and slightly cloudy.  I started near the back of the field since the race is chip timed.  I went out strong and was pleased to see 9:30 as my pace at mile 1.   I was hoping just to keep it under a 10 minute mile...but didn't really expect to since I knew how slow my training runs had been.  I promised myself I would only look at my watch at mile markers.   Mile 2 came up and revealed a 9:32 average pace.   The miles ticked away quickly and before I knew it I was at Mile 3.  A quick glance revealed a 9:36 average pace.  I was didn't even feel like I was working that hard.   Mile 4 was next and I was still holding a 9:36.  At this point, I broke out into a huge smile, told myself I had this in the bag, and took off.   I crossed the line at 47:32...holy crap...I just ran 5 miles at a 9:30 per mile average pace!  SO PROUD!

Gotta love any day that starts with a PR!


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