Here's what our laundry room looked like before....backpacks a mess barely fitting on the table, violin hanging from a door knob, and cheap, ugly white particle board cabinets. YUCK.
I found some cool ideas for a mudroom makeover online. I printed them and showed them to our contractor, Edson. Edson has been with us for the last 6 years (since we moved in). He has done so many projects in our house. I'm one of his best customers because I give him lots and lots of referrals! :) Here is a work in progress photo:
And, here it is all neat and organized. Edson ROCKS and did a kick butt job.
I love the way it is built right in and matches up to the trim work. Everyone has their own spot for all their junk. The bins on the top are the out of season gear (right now: hats, mittens, scarves). The bins on the bottom are what we need now: baseball hats, sunscreen, & sunglasses.
The storage unit behind the door is awesome for keeping all the bulk purchases out of sight (i.e. the 20 roll pack of paper towels, the extra laundry detergent when it was BOGO a few weeks ago, lightbulbs, etc.). The shelving unit is hidden perfectly behind the door when the door is open (all by design, of course). Edson came up with that part of the plan (I only showed him the lockers)!! It was brilliant because who doesn't need more storage.
And look at who made it into the picture...I didn't even notice that till I previewed the blog post. Love ya, Teppo!
It looks great! I am trying to figure out a way to create spaces for my kids. I wish I had a space like this! AND a good contractor!
I love it! I want to do something similar but I have to knock out a wall first before I enough space in my laundry room. Someday!
It's gorgeous! I wish I had the space--my entryway is just a teeny closet.
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