School went long this year due to all the snow & the strike. Today is actually the official last day of school, but I let them stay home since my Mom is here to play with them. Plus, they really have not been doing anything since last week. Who can concentrate or learn in a non-air conditioned school when it is over 90 degrees every day?
But, I digress....
They got up around 8. For those new to my blog, my kids are 8 and 6. By 8:30, I had separated them and threatened both of them with summer camp. How can they be THAT bad in a 1/2 hour? We had a fight over a DS game, my daughter (the older one who should know better) pushed my son in the head, and neither would listen to anything my Mom or I was saying.
Did I mention I work from home some days? And...I had a conference call that started at 9 am. We got them separated and I retreated to the office for some quiet. I believe they are now baking cookies (great...just what my waistline needs). At least I ran 4 miles this morning to compensate for any cookies I may eat later today. 3 pm coffee break, anyone??
How in the world am I going to survive 2 more months of this???