Shut Up and Run! (a hysterical running blog I read) is doing a day in the life series. My post will be nowhere near as funny and quite a bit more boring than Beth's...but here it is nonetheless...
First...the assumptions: It's a week day, kids are in school, and it's a run let's just go with Tuesday this week!
6:45 am - roll out of bed, right after hubby leaves
7:00 - cup of coffee in hand, pound out responses to the overwhelming number of emails I received last night (my company is global, so you always wake up to emails from the colleagues overseas)
7:30 - wake the kiddos, prepare self for the onslaught of whining about to occur
7:30-8:30 - deal with kids, breakfast, bus routine, all while working on those emails from overnight. Can you say multitask?
8:30 - kids out the door, I head out for 6 miles. This will be the most enjoyable part of my day. Cut run short at 5 miles because I'm freaking out about not having enough time to get to the client.
9:30 - home, shower, head out to client. Eat Protein Bar in the car for breakfast.
10:30-4:00 - client meetings, project statuses, introductory lunch, conference calls...all the fun stuff that goes with work
5 pm home - prep dinner, discuss school with kids, drive daughter to play date
6 - eat dinner; London Broil, Grilled Zucchini, brown rice, and green beans, clean up; run dishwasher
7 - Start on a Forecast for my big client that is due at 9 PM EST. Why do I procrastinate? Play with Excel for at least an hour, get frustrated, ask hubs to help figure it out.
8 - Hubs finally figured forecast/excel are moving in the direction of getting close to getting ready for bed
8:30 - Forecast submitted... YAY...1/2 hour early! Pour glass of wine to celebrate (second favorite part of the day), tuck kids in, turn on TV (either Food Network or HGTV)
9 - Watch Kate Gosselin get paid $250K for one episode where she takes her kids to Bald Head. Wish I could get paid $250K for taking a vacation.
10 - Flip to news...even more depressing than Kate getting paid for vacation.
11 - sleep
That's it...told you it wouldn't be as funny as Beth's!