The day started off uneventful...just how I like race mornings to go. We got to the city early, I met my 1/2 marathon training group with no problems. I didn't have to wait in any porta potty lines or go in a gross porta potty since I had access to the VIP Brooks "Potty Like A Rock Star" trailer. These bathrooms are freakin' awesome! Hard wood floors, real toilets that flush, running water to wash your hands...I loved it! Definitely worth it to buy Brooks gear to get the sticker that gets you in!
I was in Coral 14 to start. I ran into one of my daughter's friend's Dad. It was nice to talk to him to take my nerves off waiting to start. I crossed the mat with 17:14 already on the clock. I like to keep this number in my mind to get a more accurate idea of my chip time as I start clocking off the miles.
Mile 1 was right at a 10:14 pace. I was fine with that. I really get paranoid about going out too fast. Mile 2 was a 10 minute pace. Two really nice people offered me inspiration and commented on my shirt between miles 1 and 2. For those new to following my blog, I was running today in memory of my Dad. He passed away after a short battle with lung cancer on 4/29/08. Today, 9/19, would have been his 67th birthday.
Miles 3-6 were very uneventful. I was keeping a nice 10 to 10:10 pace. My 5K split time was 31:31. My 10K split time was 1:04:14. I was feeling strong and really good about my progress. I kept going strong miles 7-10. I stopped to refill the water bottle at the water station after mile 7. I crossed the mat at 10 miles at 1:46:17. This made me smile as I shaved 5+ minutes off my Broad Street finish (10 miler) back in May!
Between Miles 11-12, I had a horrendous side stitch on the left. I had to slow down, walk, and breathe through the pain. I started to run when I thought I had it controlled. However, the walking didn't help my right quad which then cramped up. It was hard as a rock and I was really in pain and mentally feeling down. I was walking a good bit...My Nike+ chip tells me I clocked a pathetic 16 minute miles between 11 and 12. Lovely.
I started running again when I saw the Mile 12 sign. That's when the nicest guy started talking to me. He was encouraging me and getting me to talk about my Dad. He left me for a little bit commenting that "he had to go back and check on his other girlfriend who he noticed was walking again". He came back to me again during mile 12 and kept encouraging me telling me how proud my Dad would be, how proud he was of me, and to keep going...we had less than a 1/2 mile left. This guy is my hero...he was so nice and offered so much encouragement. Wish I had gotten his name...
My hubby was right after the Mile 13 marker and captured this great pic:
I finished with a finish time of 2:25:02. Not quite the 2:20 goal I had in mind...but not bad for my first 1/2, either. Did I just say FIRST 1/2?
How's this for some bling?
I came home and sat in our hot tub for a bit. Now, I'm gonna sit down and relax before we have to head out for our fundraiser dinner tonight. Our family is hosting an event to raise money for our team, Team Charlie's Angels, for the Nov. 7 Free To Breathe 5K. All proceeds benefit the National Lung Cancer Partnership!
Happy Birthday Dad...Love you...Miss you! We're working hard to keep your memory alive and help others afflicted have a better shot at survival.
WAY 2 GO ANDREA!!! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. Your dad would be so proud. xxxx
Congrats Andrea! That is so awesome - way to go!!!
Good for you!
SEPTEMBER 20, 2010
Interlopers Run Amok: Guys Crash Road Races for Women
They Come in First, Are Dissed at Finish; For Meeting Fit Females, 'It's Hard to Beat'
Jonathan Mederos set a personal record in Disney's Princess Half Marathon last year, winning first place with a time of 1:16:17.
The reception he got was far from his personal best, though. "When I crossed the finish line, the announcers were silent, and I got downcast looks from the crowd," says Mr. Mederos, a 25-year-old high-school philosophy teacher in Miami.
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