It's amazing how fast time goes when you are insanely busy! Between my full time job, being a parent/household duties, and volunteering for NLCP, I feel as though I can't catch my breath. A summary of what's been keeping me busy....
Work: Work is good...I expect a big deal to close soon. Looking forward to the 2009 bonus payout on 3/15!
Parent/Household: Kids are good...ALR loves the whole play/drama thing. We can't wait to see her perform on stage! JAL is getting excited for his birthday. He's quite the little planner (gee, wonder where that comes from). No new projects in the works on the household front. Just saving up for the new roof and HVAC (whichever one goes first)...Both are big expenses and quite boring to me. I'd rather put the money into a spa retreat master bath...but a roof and heating are kind of necessary evils.
Volunteering: I interviewed a race director last week for our Free to Breathe race. I am hopeful his bid is competitive since I really like him. I have run in a few of his races and they have always been well organized. I am also planning a fundraiser dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Allentown. The restaurant agreed to donate 10% of dinner checks on 9/19 (what would have been my Dad's birthday and what is the day I will run a 1/2 marathon in his memory) to our team (Team Charlie's Angels) for Free To Breathe 2010. We're calling it "Remembering Charlie....a fundraiser event". We're inviting all of our family, friends, Corvette Club, etc. to join us between 6-9 for an evening of celebrating his life and remembering what an incredible husband, father, grandfather, friend he was.
Question for you...if someone gave you $100,000 with the stipulation that you must donate it to charity, what would you do with it. We had this discussion with friends of ours over dinner last night. Responses were:
Andrea: Lung Cancer (pretty obvious)
ML: Lung Cancer (I was surprised he is as focused on this charity as I am)
ALR: Haiti earthquake relief
JAL: poor people who need houses and food
JL: inner city schools for books, educational materials
JAL: Haiti earthquake relief