Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The decision has been made....

I will run my first marathon on October 30, 2011 in Washington DC (Marine Corps Marathon).

Holy crap...what am I thinking? I've only done 2 halves last year. Why do I think I can do a full? 

Already I have the doubts, the second guessing, and the feelings of being in over my head.  Is this normal for first time marathoners? 

1 comment:

RunnerGirl said...

Yes! I have likewise completed three half marathons and signed up for Chicago in October of 2011. Actually registering nearly caused a nervous breakdown but after watching Spirit of the Marathon and planning out my training schedule, I'm feeling much better. I'm also just trying to concentrate on my spring 1/2 - one step at a time! I'm sure you'll do great! You've proved you can train and complete a race. The full marathon is just a more drawn out version of work you've already done, right? Good luck!